Early Outcomes Report for Te Whiri Ora: Weaving Wellbeing Year 1

Project Background

Te Whiri Ora is a new, unique support service within the Canterbury area. It is governed by Right Service Right Time (RSTRT). Te Whiri Ora supports whānau, tamariki and rangatahi as they navigate multiple agencies and services in order to meet their needs and aspirations. Kaiwhiri within Te Whiri Ora work with whānau to collectively create a strong support network and ensure that a sometimescomplex range of needs are being met.



What we did

A co-design workshop was run by Ihi research with members of the Governance Group and the kaiwhiri. As a result of the co-design workshop a plan was set to investigate the overall innovation, implementation, collaboration and impact. In September 2022, the evaluation was pivoted in response to funding cuts to examine the early outcomes from the service. Interviews were held with kaiwhiri, stakeholders and whānau who had received support.



As a result of working alongside the kaiwhiri, whānau described a number of positive impacts including;
• increased whānau hope and optimism for their futures,
• increased whānau faith and trust in Te Whiri Ora, • improved coordination of services/ communication between services,
• whānau having positive experiences with services and professionals,
• evidence of kaiwhiri supporting whānau to build their own capabilities by walking alongside them and,
• evidence of the reduction of ‘complexity’ in whānau lives.


“That’s what I really appreciate with my kaiwhiri. I trust her now, she’s not just there for the job, she cares.”


- whānau

Find out how we can help you

We’ll work with you to find out what’s working, where investment could be put to best use or how to improve anything not going to plan. We can help you define success and set tangible, measurable goals. And we talk in real language so you can understand and engage with the findings. We engage with the community to conduct community research and consultations for private companies, trusts, government agencies, NGOs and more. But we have a special interest in research that has a purpose - to better society and teach lessons. We aim to help those we work with build capacity to enact positive change.